home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- File: Components.h
- Copyright: © 1984-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- This file was auto generated by the interfacer tool. Modifications
- must be made to the master file.
- */
- #ifndef __COMPONENTS__
- #define __COMPONENTS__
- #ifndef __TYPES__
- #include <Types.h>
- /* #include <ConditionalMacros.h> */
- /* #include <MixedMode.h> */
- /* #include <Traps.h> */
- #endif
- #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
- #endif
- #define kAppleManufacturer 'appl'
- #define kComponentResourceType 'thng'
- enum {
- kAnyComponentType = 0,
- kAnyComponentSubType = 0,
- kAnyComponentManufacturer = 0,
- kAnyComponentFlagsMask = 0
- };
- enum {
- cmpWantsRegisterMessage = 1L << 31
- };
- enum {
- kComponentOpenSelect = -1, /* ComponentInstance for this open */
- kComponentCloseSelect = -2, /* ComponentInstance for this close */
- kComponentCanDoSelect = -3, /* selector # being queried */
- kComponentVersionSelect = -4, /* no params */
- kComponentRegisterSelect = -5, /* no params */
- kComponentTargetSelect = -6, /* ComponentInstance for top of call chain */
- kComponentUnregisterSelect = -7 /* no params */
- };
- /* Component Resource Extension flags */
- enum {
- componentDoAutoVersion = (1 << 0),
- componentWantsUnregister = (1 << 1),
- componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags = (1 << 2),
- componentHasMultiplePlatforms = (1 << 3)
- };
- /* Set Default Component flags */
- enum {
- defaultComponentIdentical = 0,
- defaultComponentAnyFlags = 1,
- defaultComponentAnyManufacturer = 2,
- defaultComponentAnySubType = 4,
- defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturer = (defaultComponentAnyFlags + defaultComponentAnyManufacturer),
- defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturerAnySubType = (defaultComponentAnyFlags + defaultComponentAnyManufacturer + defaultComponentAnySubType)
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentDescription {
- OSType componentType; /* A unique 4-byte code indentifying the command set */
- OSType componentSubType; /* Particular flavor of this instance */
- OSType componentManufacturer; /* Vendor indentification */
- unsigned long componentFlags; /* 8 each for Component,Type,SubType,Manuf/revision */
- unsigned long componentFlagsMask; /* Mask for specifying which flags to consider in search, zero during registration */
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentDescription ComponentDescription;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ResourceSpec {
- OSType resType; /* 4-byte code */
- short resId;
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ResourceSpec ResourceSpec;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentResource {
- ComponentDescription cd; /* Registration parameters */
- ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
- ResourceSpec componentName; /* name string resource */
- ResourceSpec componentInfo; /* info string resource */
- ResourceSpec componentIcon; /* icon resource */
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentResource ComponentResource;
- typedef ComponentResource *ComponentResourcePtr, **ComponentResourceHandle;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentPlatformInfo {
- long componentFlags; /* flags of Component */
- ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
- short platformType; /* gestaltSysArchitecture result */
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentPlatformInfo ComponentPlatformInfo;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentResourceExtension {
- long componentVersion; /* version of Component */
- long componentRegisterFlags; /* flags for registration */
- short componentIconFamily; /* resource id of Icon Family */
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentResourceExtension ComponentResourceExtension;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentPlatformInfoArray {
- long count;
- ComponentPlatformInfo platformArray[1];
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentPlatformInfoArray ComponentPlatformInfoArray;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ExtComponentResource {
- ComponentDescription cd; /* registration parameters */
- ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
- ResourceSpec componentName; /* name string resource */
- ResourceSpec componentInfo; /* info string resource */
- ResourceSpec componentIcon; /* icon resource */
- long componentVersion; /* version of Component */
- long componentRegisterFlags; /* flags for registration */
- short componentIconFamily; /* resource id of Icon Family */
- long count; /* elements in platformArray */
- ComponentPlatformInfo platformArray[1];
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ExtComponentResource ExtComponentResource;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentParameters {
- unsigned char flags; /* call modifiers: sync/async, deferred, immed, etc */
- unsigned char paramSize; /* size in bytes of actual parameters passed to this call */
- short what; /* routine selector, negative for Component management calls */
- long params[1]; /* actual parameters for the indicated routine */
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentParameters ComponentParameters;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentRecord {
- long data[1];
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentRecord ComponentRecord;
- typedef ComponentRecord *Component;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct ComponentInstanceRecord {
- long data[1];
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct ComponentInstanceRecord ComponentInstanceRecord;
- typedef ComponentInstanceRecord *ComponentInstance;
- typedef long ComponentResult;
- typedef pascal ComponentResult (*ComponentRoutineProcPtr)(ComponentParameters *cp, Handle componentStorage);
- enum {
- uppComponentRoutineProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
- | RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ComponentResult)))
- | STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ComponentParameters*)))
- };
- typedef UniversalProcPtr ComponentRoutineUPP;
- #define CallComponentRoutineProc(userRoutine, cp, componentStorage) \
- CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppComponentRoutineProcInfo, (cp), (componentStorage))
- #define NewComponentRoutineProc(userRoutine) \
- (ComponentRoutineUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppComponentRoutineProcInfo, GetCurrentISA())
- #else
- typedef ComponentRoutineProcPtr ComponentRoutineUPP;
- #define CallComponentRoutineProc(userRoutine, cp, componentStorage) \
- (*(userRoutine))((cp), (componentStorage))
- #define NewComponentRoutineProc(userRoutine) \
- (ComponentRoutineUPP)(userRoutine)
- #endif
- typedef ComponentRoutineProcPtr ComponentRoutine;
- /*
- The parameter list for each ComponentFunction is unique. It is
- therefore up to users to create the appropriate procInfo for their
- own ComponentFunctions where necessary.
- */
- typedef UniversalProcPtr ComponentFunctionUPP;
- #define ComponentCallNow(callNumber, paramSize) \
- = {0x2F3C,paramSize,callNumber,0x7000,0xA82A}
- #else
- #define ComponentCallNow(callNumber, paramSize)
- extern UniversalProcPtr CallComponentUPP;
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /********************************************************
- * Component Database Add, Delete, and Query Routines
- ********************************************************/
- extern pascal Component RegisterComponent(ComponentDescription *cd, ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint, short global, Handle componentName, Handle componentInfo, Handle componentIcon)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal Component RegisterComponentResource(ComponentResourceHandle tr, short global)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7012, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr UnregisterComponent(Component aComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal Component FindNextComponent(Component aComponent, ComponentDescription *looking)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long CountComponents(ComponentDescription *looking)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7003, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr GetComponentInfo(Component aComponent, ComponentDescription *cd, Handle componentName, Handle componentInfo, Handle componentIcon)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long GetComponentListModSeed(void)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xA82A);
- /********************************************************
- * Component Instance Allocation and dispatch routines
- ********************************************************/
- extern pascal ComponentInstance OpenComponent(Component aComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr CloseComponent(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr GetComponentInstanceError(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x700A, 0xA82A);
- /* Direct calls to the Components */
- extern pascal long ComponentFunctionImplemented(ComponentInstance ci, short ftnNumber)
- FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x2, 0xFFFD, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long GetComponentVersion(ComponentInstance ci)
- FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0, 0xFFFC, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long ComponentSetTarget(ComponentInstance ci, ComponentInstance target)
- FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x4, 0xFFFA, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /********************************************************
- * Component Management routines
- ********************************************************/
- extern pascal void SetComponentInstanceError(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance, OSErr theError)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x700B, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long GetComponentRefcon(Component aComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7010, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal void SetComponentRefcon(Component aComponent, long theRefcon)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7011, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal short OpenComponentResFile(Component aComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7015, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr CloseComponentResFile(short refnum)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7018, 0xA82A);
- /********************************************************
- * Component Instance Management routines
- ********************************************************/
- extern pascal Handle GetComponentInstanceStorage(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x700C, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal void SetComponentInstanceStorage(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance, Handle theStorage)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x700D, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long GetComponentInstanceA5(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x700E, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal void SetComponentInstanceA5(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance, long theA5)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x700F, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long CountComponentInstances(Component aComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7013, 0xA82A);
- /* Useful helper routines for convenient method dispatching */
- extern pascal long CallComponentFunction(ComponentParameters *params, ComponentFunctionUPP func)
- extern pascal long CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(Handle storage, ComponentParameters *params, ComponentFunctionUPP func)
- extern pascal long DelegateComponentCall(ComponentParameters *originalParams, ComponentInstance ci)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7024, 0xA82A);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- extern pascal OSErr SetDefaultComponent(Component aComponent, short flags)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x701E, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal ComponentInstance OpenDefaultComponent(OSType componentType, OSType componentSubType)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7021, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal Component CaptureComponent(Component capturedComponent, Component capturingComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x701C, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr UncaptureComponent(Component aComponent)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x701D, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal long RegisterComponentResourceFile(short resRefNum, short global)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7014, 0xA82A);
- extern pascal OSErr GetComponentIconSuite(Component aComponent, Handle *iconSuite)
- TWOWORDINLINE(0x7029, 0xA82A);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif